I had so much fun reading about what kind of pianos you all have on last week’s Forum Q&A! And many of you with blogs posted photos of your piano too. If you haven’t seen all the comments, click here and scroll down to check them out.
This week, let’s talk about something less fun…..studio policies (haha, just kidding). It’s interesting to hear how different teachers approach summertime. Some teachers want their summer off. Others want to keep teaching, or really need the income throughout the whole year. It can also depend on the students you have. One of my piano professors tried to require weekly summer lessons, but for years students/parents gave her trouble about it. Now, she requires them each to take just 6 lessons at some point during the summer. I’m sure everyone has ideas about this matter! So, tell us about your situation:
What are your current policies regarding summer lessons? Required or optional? Week, bi-weekly, or other? Regular tuition rates, or discounted?
If you don’t require students to take lessons all summer, have you found other ways to keep your income the same throughout the year?
I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts! Add your comment below.
Photo Credit: athrasher | CC 2.0