I was recently chatting about Notion with my friend, Daniel Patterson of GrowYourMusicStudio.com, and offered to give him a tour of my Notion account and tell him why he might want to consider switching from Evernote to Notion. Daniel suggested we record the conversation, and so we did!
Continue reading “Joy Tries to Convince Daniel to Try Notion”Early Bird Rate Expires Soon: Organize Your Life with Notion, an Online Workshop with Amy Chaplin & Joy Morin
Hello, friends!
Just a quick note to tell you that the early bird discount expires soon for the upcoming online workshop Amy Chaplin and I are offering. It’s called, Organize Your Life With Notion, and over the two days we teach you how to use Notion — our favorite online tool ever — to manage your music studio…and life in general!
If case you aren’t familiar with Notion… it’s basically a note-taking app you can use on your phone and computer to create pages for tracking information or planning projects (think student information, recitals, events, trips, notes…anything you can think of!).
Continue reading “Early Bird Rate Expires Soon: Organize Your Life with Notion, an Online Workshop with Amy Chaplin & Joy Morin”Freebie: Lesson Attendance Sheet Updated for 2024-25
I just updated one of the studio business forms from my Printables page for the 2023-24 school year. It is called the Lesson Attendance & Payment Sheet PDF. Even though I don’t personally use this sheet myself anymore (I now charge a monthly flat tuition rate), every year I receive requests from teachers asking if I would please update it for the upcoming school year. And I’m happy to do so!
Continue reading “Freebie: Lesson Attendance Sheet Updated for 2024-25”Recap: My 2024 Retreat at Piano Manor
Earlier this week, I hosted my summer piano teacher retreat, Retreat at Piano Manor, at a historic home in Manchester Michigan with about a dozen fellow piano teachers. It was such a treat!
Continue reading “Recap: My 2024 Retreat at Piano Manor”Piano Recital Program Template #7
As promised, today I am sharing a NEW free recital program template. I created this recital program for my 2024 summer recitals with the theme “A Crescendo of Creativity,” and I’m happy to pass it along as template for use for YOUR student recitals!
Side note: Did you know this is now the SEVENTH free recital program template available on my blog? The other five can be found on the Printables > Other Resources page by scrolling down to the Ps for “Piano Recital Program Template.”
The artwork featured in this recital program template was drawn by yours truly, using my iPad and Apple Pencil. I draw the graphics with the theme of “creativity” in mind, but I think they are appropriate for any recital event. The rest of the program was designed in Microsoft Word.
Continue reading “Piano Recital Program Template #7”Summer 2024 Recitals: A Crescendo of Creativity
This past weekend, I hosted two informal summer recitals for my students. They both went well, and I was pleased with how our “creativity” themed focus played out.
Here’s a few photos and reflections on how it went.
Continue reading “Summer 2024 Recitals: A Crescendo of Creativity”A Few Quick Updates
Hello, readers!
- This past weekend, I held a couple of student recitals – one in Ohio for my online students based there, and one here in Michigan for my local students. I’m happy to report all went well, and I was thrilled with how our “creativity” themed focus played out. I’m hoping to share some photos and thoughts later this week. (This was also my 4yo daughter’s FIRST recital — special for both of us!)
- My pal, Amy Chaplin of PianoPantry.com, and I are planning to offer our online workshop on Notion again this Fall! We won’t just teach you how to use Notion; we’ll show you how WE use Notion. 🙂 The dates will be Friday and Saturday, September 20 & 21, from 10am-1pm Eastern. There will also be an optional follow-up session on Friday, October 11 from 2-3pm Eastern. We are still working on getting the registration form ready, but if you think you might be interested, please mark the dates in your calendar. [P.S.: We will also be making an appearance at the IndianaMTA State Conference in October presenting on this topic.]
- Any last minute takers for my upcoming piano teacher retreat in Southeast Michigan? I’m considering adding-on the optional third floor of the historic house I’m renting for us. Our theme this year is CREATIVITY and I can’t wait to explore improvisation, composition, and creative living in general together. I have about a dozen teachers currently registered. The dates are Monday to Wednesday, August 12-14. Learn more here.
Happy Monday to you!
My First Encounter with Dr. Edwin E. Gordon and his Music Learning Theory (MLT)
It was September of 2008, and I was an undergraduate college student at Hope College (Holland, Michigan) at the beginning of my senior year as a piano performance major.
One day, the professor of one of my classes announced that a guest by the name of Dr. Edwin E. Gordon would be visiting campus for a few days. Dr. Gordon was to deliver a lecture, lead a Saturday workshop, and join our class to tell us about his research and theories regarding music learning.
Continue reading “My First Encounter with Dr. Edwin E. Gordon and his Music Learning Theory (MLT)”Book Review: The Mind’s Ear, by Bruce Adolphe
Note: This article is an edited “reprint” (with a new addendum) of a recent email I sent out to my special email list for those interested in my summer piano teacher retreats. I thought this book review and discussion might be of interest to all of my readers!
As I’ve been preparing for the 2024 Retreat at Piano Manor and designing our schedule of discussion topics and creative activities, I’ve been immersing myself in finding and ordering resources for us to look at together. Since settling on this year’s theme, Exploring Improvisation and Composition in Piano Lessons, I’ve been keeping my eyes open in particular for books and resources related to creativity.
A recent rabbit hole has been to discover an interesting book called The Mind’s Ear, by Bruce Adolphe. Adolphe is the pianist behind the Piano Puzzler show from American Public Media. (Have you heard of it?)
Continue reading “Book Review: The Mind’s Ear, by Bruce Adolphe”2024 Piano Level 2 Certification through the Gordon Institute for Music Learning
Two days ago was the wrap-up of a Piano Level 2 Professional Development Levels Course (PDLC) through the Gordon Institute for Music Learning held at Eastern Michigan University, just 20 minutes from my home. It was such a great experience, and my heart is full.
We started each morning with Musicianship Time with Natasha Sigmund, GIML faculty member in Early Childhood Music.
Continue reading “2024 Piano Level 2 Certification through the Gordon Institute for Music Learning”Announcing: My 2024 Piano Teacher Retreat
Hello friends,
Recently, I have received a handful of email inquiries asking for updates about my 2024 Piano Teacher Retreat. So I thought I should at least send out a quick blog post here now that the details are finally coming together!
(By the way, in case you want to learn more about my past retreats, here’s a recap post about the 2023 Piano Teacher Retreat you can check out!)
I’m pleased to announce the dates for my 2024 retreat:
Both retreat offerings will be held here in the Southeast Michigan area – just outside the wonderful town of Ann Arbor and about a 30- to 45-minute-drive from the Detroit Airport.
Every year, I choose a theme for my retreat — something I’m interested and passionate about and think would make a great topic for us to explore in large and small group discussions and activities. Here is this year’s theme:
2024 Piano Teacher Retreat Theme:
Together, let’s strive to expand the role of creativity in the piano lessons we teach. During this retreat, we’ll explore ways to guide young pianists to compose their own pieces, make their own improvisational changes to existing pieces, and create new music using what they know — including rhythm patterns, tonal patterns, and/or harmonic progressions. During group discussion and activities with fellow piano teachers, you can expect to engage in important conversations about creativity and MLT (Music Learning Theory), discover composition/improvisation resources your students will enjoy, and experience the joy of creativity in a variety of forms for yourself!
If you are looking for a professional development opportunity for this summer, I hope you’ll consider my retreat. This unique, small-group getaway experience is designed in every way to rejuvenate you and your teaching.
I will be sending out the event details to my separate “retreat” email list (so that I don’t spam everyone here). If you’d like to learn more, please join with your email address HERE. I’m very excited to share the full details with you very soon!
Would love to spend time with YOU this summer!
Color In My Piano Blog Turns 15!
Hard to believe, but ColorInMyPiano.com just turned 15 years old! Hooray! Let’s celebrate with our annual 20% off sale — details below.
I started this blog back when I was a graduate student anticipating my upcoming graduation. My goals were to give back to the piano teacher blog community I benefitted so much from and to become a better teacher, writer, and thinker through blogging.
Here we are, 15 years later, and I find myself staying true to those same goals. I love being part of the piano teaching community online, and I find writing and sharing to be a worthwhile pursuit — even when the demands of life make it hard to find the time. 🙂 I appreciate you, dear readers, for sticking with me. Thank you for being part of this journey with me.
Continue reading “Color In My Piano Blog Turns 15!”