
Piano Recital Program Template #7

As promised, today I am sharing a NEW free recital program template. I created this recital program for my 2024 summer recitals with the theme “A Crescendo of Creativity,” and I’m happy to pass it along as template for use for YOUR student recitals!

Side note: Did you know this is now the SEVENTH free recital program template available on my blog? The other five can be found on the Printables > Other Resources page by scrolling down to the Ps for “Piano Recital Program Template.”

The artwork featured in this recital program template was drawn by yours truly, using my iPad and Apple Pencil. I draw the graphics with the theme of “creativity” in mind, but I think they are appropriate for any recital event. The rest of the program was designed in Microsoft Word.

This template is print-friendly, requiring only black ink. It can be printed on paper/cardstock in the color of your choice or plain white. In the photos above/below, I used cream-colored printer paper. 

As is, the template provides two pages. One page has a single, full-column layout with space for 7 performers each performing two pieces. You can alter this page to fit 12 or more performers if some/all are performing just one piece.

At the bottom of the page, there is an optional section for “Recognitions” — where if you wish you can recognize students who have earned certain awards, goals, challenges, or event participation throughout the year.

The second page offers a two column layout with space for 16 performers each performing two pieces, or 24 performers each performing one piece.

You may use one page or the other, or both together if you have many students. You can fit more or fewer performers on either page as needed by adjusting or removing the artwork elements, altering the font size, etc. Feel free to alter the template to your liking.

To download, visit Printables > Other Resources and scroll down to the Ps for “Piano Recital Program Template #7.” 

I hope you’ll enjoy using this template for your own studio recitals!

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