Hello, all!
Over the weekend, I started packing up my sheet music library into boxes since we’re going to be moving in a month or two. All I can say is, I need to downsize!! I have a lot of used music that people have given me over the past few years. It makes for a great lending library, but it sure takes up a lot of room! As backwards as it seems, I’m going to save going through my music until after we move. =)
I’ve also begun looking into advertising piano lessons, since I will definitely need to do some of that in order to find new students. I’ve found a number of free ways to advertise online, and have compiled a list of links below. The first step to online advertising is definitely to create a website for your piano studio. If you haven’t already, I would recommend checking out the user friendly Weebly.com. If you have a studio website already, then you are ready to try out the links below!
Create a Google Places page
I recently discovered that local businesses can create their own Google Places page for completely free. Click here for a very nice example of a Google Places page. You can click here to get started listing your own studio business.
Free Teacher Directories
I don’t know about you, but I only use the teacher directories that are free. I don’t know which ones are worth paying for, so I play it safe and stick with the free ones! I suppose the chances of a student coming across some of these sites is somewhat slim, but when it’s free it’s worth a shot. Here are the ones I found: Continue reading “Studio Marketing: Advertising on the Internet” →