I bought a new digital piano! It’s a Kawai CN29.

The backstory: My grand piano has ivory keys I don’t want to use sanitizers on, so I’ve been using my digital pianos since transitioning my Michigan students to in-person lessons. (Fortunately, I can still use my grand for online lessons!) My current digital pianos are old and in need of update, so I started researching and looking at models at a couple of local stores.

By chance, I happened to see one of the same models I was considering listed on eBay located just 1.5 hours from me. For the seller, it was a Covid purchase right before work got extra busy. So, I got a great deal on it (over 50% off the new price)!
As far as digitals go, it has a decent action and fairly realistic grand piano sounds.

And as you can see, it’s Aria-approved!

I’m happy to have really nice digital to use for my in-person lessons!

Your turn: Do you have a digital piano you really enjoy playing?
Hi Joy
What a great digital piano.
What are you using to clean the keys on your digital pianos and keyboards?
Hi Loria! I’m using Clorox disinfecting wipes.
Hi Joy,
I teach small groups and I just bought two of those! I absolutely love them! Now we are Piano Buddies!
Hi Sally! Yes, we’re piano buddies now!! So cool that we both bought the same pianos. I’m happy to hear you love yours. I was also closely considering a Yamaha Clavinova, but I liked the Kawai a tiny bit better. I prefer the Kawai sound over Yamaha, and also find that the Clavinovas keys are a bit more “clackity” (noisier). When I saw my Kawai on eBay, that sealed the deal! I hope I’ll be happy with my choice for a long time.
Beautiful piano…hope you and your students enjoy many wonderful years playing it. My 7 year old Yamaha Arius has been my studio workhorse. When my students returned to in person lessons this past April I added a Yamaha P125 to demonstrate and play duets while socially distancing. I love both of my Yamaha pianos and alternate practicing on them to give them equal time.
Thank you for the well wishes, Soni! That’s great to hear your Yamaha Arius has been such a great workhorse for you. I hope mine will be too!
I ?? My Yamaha CSP-150! Brought it with me into our 39-foot Motorhome, where I now teach, online.
I’ve seen the photos of your set-up, Anna, and it looks awesome!! Glad to hear your Yamaha is serving you well!
I’ve been fairly happy with my Yamaha P-35 and P-45 I got off Craigslist a few years ago!
I’ve heard good things about the P-45 in particular!
I love my Kawai KG-2 grand piano but I am SO happy that I also have a Yamaha Clavinova CVP-705.
Now that I have returned to in-person teaching it is great because in keeping with all my other Covid protocols, I am able to teach from my grand while students are restricted to my digital. I sanitize after each student and it keeps us all safe.
That sounds like a great set-up, Fran!
I have a Roland RP301 that I have had for 10 years. It is still working great.
I’ve heard good things about Rolands. It’s great yours is still working great 10 years later!
Thank you for the post, Joy!
I have an upright piano which was given to me for free but we have paid so much for moving it two times in just two years. Hopefully, the tuning will not cost me too much.
You made the right choice.
Is this the one that costs
USD$ 1,959.00 ?
I have looked up to find out the original price.
Thank you!
Yes, that’s the one! I was quoted about $2000 including tax at my local music store.
I bought a new CN29 about a year & a half ago. The sound is gorgeous (especially through headphones). I’m not sure why anyone would want to use a sound other than Shigeru SK-EX or EX.
However there is a range (about an octave above middle C) where the sound seems to “ring” when the keys are attacked firmly (but this could be my ears). In softer passages, the key noise can be a little annoying, but this might be a general problem with digital pianos. I have more recently noticed that there seems to be some problems with the simulated “escapement” mechanism. A key can let-off but a subsequent keystroke fails to sound the note again (e.g. try the Chopin Prelude No 9).
Still, this is a very nice DP and you got good deal at half price.
I agree, the. Shigeru SK-EX and EX sound settings are fantastic. No others needed. I haven’t noticed the “ring” sound you described, but I’ll have to try listening closely for it when attacking the keys firmly as you described. As far as the action goes — it’s definitely nothing like playing an acoustic when it comes to advanced repertoire, but I think for many purposes it’s a great instrument! It’s definitely a good idea to understand the instrument’s limitations going into it.
I have noticed the problem of a subsequent keystroke not sounding and it’s driving me nuts. For this reason, I cannot recommend this key action and it is used on several Kawai models.