
Welcome to the new!

Welcome to colorinmypiano at the new url location!  What do you think of the new look?

I registered my domain name with and have bought a year of web hosting from  So far, I’m very pleased with the services I’m paying for.  And I absolutely love using WordPress for my blog.

I haven’t yet settled on a theme that I like for, so my site might be changing appearances frequently over the next week or so.  Bear with me!  🙂

Printables, Studio Business

3 Printables for Interviewing New Students

Just added: THREE new printables on the Printables > Studio Business page:

  1. Beginner Student Interview Form
  2. Transfer Student Interview Form
  3. Student Information Form

These resources are useful for conducting student interviews at the first lesson with a new or transfer student.  The interview forms help evaluate the student’s musical aptitude and background, to help the teacher determine what level repertoire the student should be playing, as well as what technique exercises should be assigned.  The student information form is designed to gather basic contact information from the student — as well as some information from the parent regarding the child’s personality/learning style and musical background. Read on….

Continue reading “3 Printables for Interviewing New Students”

Announcements, Resources

How to Give the First Music Lesson: Interviewing the Student

eHow articleAre you a frequent eHow user?  My husband and I both have accounts on eHow, where you can write your own “How to” articles and make money.  The money you make is based on how many times your article is read by others, and the money is safely deposited into your linked PayPal account.  Don’t expect to make a ton of money, but if you keep up on it, it may be enough to cover your website hosting expenses each month.  (That’s my current goal!)  Below is a link to the article I wrote that summarizes the information from my most recent blog post, about conducting student interviews:  

eHow article:  How to Give the First Music Lesson: Interviewing the Student

If you haven’t tried using eHow before, give it a shot!  There’s lots of great articles to browse through, and it is fairly easy to write your own articles.

Studio Business

Conducting Student Interviews

Many teachers interview prospective students before accepting them into their studio.  While I haven’t yet felt the need to do so with my own studio, after reading James Bastien’s insight concerning interviews in his book Teaching Piano Successfully, I’m convinced that interviewing students is a great idea — even if you are planning to accept the student anyway.  

It’s difficult to know how to spend the first lesson: should you buy a book in advance for the student, and jump right in?  Should you hold off on the music books, and first teach them the musical alphabet, some simple tunes, and maybe some five-finger patterns?  Maybe.   Continue reading “Conducting Student Interviews”

Music Theory, Printables, Resources, Worksheets

New Worksheet: Intervals (unison-5th)

Do you find yourself telling students how much easier it would be if they learned to recognize intervals on sight when they are sight-reading?  Here are two new free, printable worksheets, designed to help students who have difficulty distinguishing between different intervals on the staff.  The first one is for younger students who have just begun reading staff notation.  It teaches and quizzes the difference between unisons, 2nds, and 3rds.  The second worksheet is a little bit harder, adding 4ths and 5ths into the mix.  Enjoy!

  • Worksheet: Intervals Unison through 5th

This worksheet is designed to teach/quiz the student in identifying the intervals unison through 5th, in both treble and bass clefs.  The top line gives an example of each type of interval, and the rest of the page is dedicated to quizzing the student on identifying the interval.

To download, visit the Printables > Worksheets page and scroll down to the I’s for “Intervals Unison through 5th worksheet.”

  Intervals Unison-5th Worksheet (40.6 KiB, 20,129 hits)

See also:  New Worksheet: Intervals Unison-3rd

Music Theory, Printables, Resources, Worksheets

New Worksheet: Intervals (unison-3rd)

Do you find yourself telling students how much easier it would be if they learned to recognize intervals on sight when they are sight-reading?  Here are two new free, printable worksheets, designed to help students who have difficulty distinguishing between different intervals on the staff.  The first one is for younger students who have just begun reading staff notation.  It teaches and quizzes the difference between unisons, 2nds, and 3rds.  The second worksheet is a little bit harder, adding 4ths and 5ths into the mix.  Enjoy!

  • Worksheet: Intervals Unison through 3rd

This worksheet is designed to teach/quiz the student in identifying the intervals unison through 3rd, in both treble and bass clefs.  The top line gives an example of each type of interval, and the rest of the page is dedicated to quizzing the student on identifying the interval.

 To download, visit the Printables > Worksheets page and scroll down to the I’s for “Intervals Unison-5th.”

  Intervals Unison-3rd Worksheet (39.0 KiB, 21,688 hits)

See also: New Worksheet: Intervals unison-5th


…it's been a while.

Hello, again!  It’s been a while.  I took a longer-than-intended break from blogging, unfortunately, because I was dealing with graduation (yes! my hubby and I both graduated with Bachelor’s Degrees) and moving (we moved 2 hours away, where we will be attending grad school in the fall).  We have settled into a little apartment, and things have calmed down a little, I’m happy to say! 

The move, unfortunately, meant that I had to give up all my wonderful students to other teachers.  🙁  How sad is that!  I miss teaching something awful.  I won’t be back to teaching piano until the fall, when I’ll begin teaching through the Community Music School at my new college.  Meanwhile, I’ve been reading up on pedagogy techniques and various aspects to maintaining a piano studio.   I’m about halfway through: How To Teach Piano Successfully, by James W. Bastien, and have managed to get quite a few good ideas from him.  I hope to blog about some of my discoveries soon.  🙂 
Motivation, Performances, Practicing

Music + Imagination

I often have students’ parents and grandparents tell me that they wish they had kept taking piano lessons.  I use this to encourage my current students, and tell them that it’s a gift to be able to sit down at an instrument and create music — a gift that can provide great pleasure to oneself and others.

Why do so many students quit?  I mean, I realize that it might not be feasible for everyone to take lessons for their whole life (although wouldn’t that be amazing?!), but still, why do so many people regret that they didn’t continue their lessons longer while they were young?   Continue reading “Music + Imagination”

Program Notes from 2009

My senior recital was last night!  Let me tell you, it feels GREAT to have that accomplishment behind me!  

Here’s the program notes:

Prelude & Fugue in C minor, from Book II WTC (BWV 871)………J.S. Bach (1685-1750)

Piano Sonata No. 17 in D minor, Op. 31 No. 2 “Tempest”………..Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
     Largo – Allegro

Program Notes from 2008

I’ve been working on the program notes for my senior recital, which is coming up….and thought I’d look up my program notes from my junior recital last year!  They’re kind of fun to read.

Für Alina…………………………………………Arvo Pärt (1935-present)       

Préludes, Book I……………………………Claude Debussy (1862-1918)

…La danse de Puck


Continue reading “Program Notes from 2008”