If you navigate over to the Printables > Worksheets area, you will find some new worksheets listed. This set of Review Tests was originally created for group keyboard classes of various age groups, but they may easily be adapted for other uses. The set is basically a set of progressive worksheets testing in the areas of basic piano skills and music theory. They may work well for group lessons, or just for single students to brush up on their theory skills.
- Review Test *GUIDE* — This chart provides the teacher an easy guide for what concepts must be introduced to the student in order for them to successfully complete each Review Test on their own.
Concepts covered in each worksheet:
- Review Test A — finding the keys A – G on the piano; finger numbers; quarter and half notes.
- Review Test B — naming notes on the staff (treble clef: middle C to G; bass clef: F to middle C); whole and dotted half notes; terms & symbols: treble clef, bass clef, staff, barline, double barline, repeat sign, forte, piano.
- Review Test C — C, G major 5FPs (five-finger patterns); terms: slur, staccato, accents; drawing barlines in rhythms in 3/4 and 4/4 time; intervals: unison, 2nd, and 3rd. Continue reading “Music Theory Review Tests A-J plus a Guide”