
Consider Supporting this Project for Classical Music CD for Kids!

Have you heard of  It’s a cool site where people can raise money for creative project of all kinds.  Ordinary people like you and me can support these projects.  Here’s the kicker: the team must reach the monetary goal by 3-month deadline or else they don’t get any of the money that was pledged.

Well, a colleague of mine has started a kickstarter project with her sister to create CDs of classical music with narration for children.  They plan to distribute the CD to schools where art programs are being cut.  Read all about their project below, or click here to visit their official KickStarter page.  There you will find a video with more info and you can make your pledge.  With your support, they can go ahead with the CD project and you can receive a copy too!  The CD looks like it could be a great resource to use during group lessons with piano students or young children — I’m excited to receive mine.  Please read more about their project and consider supporting Sonya and Elizabeth.

Sonya & Elizabeth Schumann’s KickStarter Project | Piano Carnaval CD: Classical Music and Stories for Kids

Who are we?

We (Jeanne and Sonya) are classical concert pianists who happen to be sisters. We decided to record a children’s CD which, through narrative storytelling, is an attractive vehicle for classical piano pieces.

Why do we want to record a children’s CD? Continue reading “Consider Supporting this Project for Classical Music CD for Kids!”


As Promised: Master’s Recital Video Recordings

As promised, here are a few selections from my Master’s Recital in January!   I would have loved to be able to post the Gwyneth Walker piece for you to hear, but it is not old enough to be in the public domain yet so posting a recording online would not be legal (if I have my facts straight).  All the clips were edited with iMovie, a free video editing software that comes on all Apple computers.

Click here to view the post with the program notes for each piece.  Enjoy!

Haydn: Sonata No. 52 in E-flat Major, Hob. XVI:52 L. 62, Allegro.

httpv:// Continue reading “As Promised: Master’s Recital Video Recordings”

Announcements, Resources

Music Book Covers/Protectors

I recently stocked up on the vinyl urtext book protectors that Henle makes…….they are one of my FAVORITE things.  They help keep my books in good shape!

My $52.00 (yes, OUCH!) Beethoven Sonatas volumes are much happier and safer inside their own protective covers.

Although these vinyl covers are specially designed to fit Henle Urtext editions, I use them on my other books too even if they have a little extra room at the top.

See below?  My Padereswi Chopin Nocturnes score looks content too.  =)

I buy these whenever I buy new scores that cost me $15 or more.  Instead of buying them for all your scores, however, I suppose you could buy a set of 3 or 4 and move them to whatever books you are currently using the most.  The covers cost about $3.50 each.

Check them out!  You can find them on SheetMusicPlus or Prima Music.





Celebrating Two Years!

Today marks the two-year anniversary of Color In My Piano!  Thanks to you all for your support and for making this blog a place to share resources and ideas with each other.  What a wonderful online community we have!

Here’s a run-down of the history of the Color In My Piano blog:

The First Year:

  • It was on February 28, 2009 that I first conceived of this blog and wrote my first post: a welcome and brief statement of purpose.  I found my inspiration largely from Natalie Wickham’s Music Matters Blog and Susan Paradis’ Piano Teacher Resources.  My blog was initially a free wordpress blog, titled “Piano Teaching Blog” (or something similar).  At this point, I was running a successful piano studio of about 20 students out of my parent’s home, and finishing up my Bachelor’s degree in piano performance.
  • In May of 2009, I graduated with my Bachelor’s degree.  Over the summer, my husband and I moved so we could attend graduate school the next year.  Unfortunately, this meant I had to “give away” all my piano students and find new ones.
  • On July 9, 2009, I decided that I was enjoying blogging enough to go full swing: I came up with the title “Color In My Piano,” bought my own domain name and a year’s worth of web hosting, and gave the site a whole new look.
  • In August of 2010, I started my Master’s degree in Piano Pedagogy at Central Michigan University.
  • Color In My Piano continued to grow and change.  A new Printables page allowed for easier navigation through free resources, and new Facebook integration gave readers a new way to stay updated.
  • As of February 28, 2010 (the 1 year anniversary), Color In My Piano has had 18,371 visiters and has about 50 subscribers. The record number of page views in one day is 425 on February 11, 2010!

The Second Year:

  • I continued to work on my Master’s degree and teach between 5-10 students each week.  My GA (Graduate Assistant) responsibilities kept me busy teaching college level Class Piano courses to music majors and collaborating with other vocalists and instrumentalists.
  • Color In My Piano gained a Reading List page and a Highlights page, and begun asking monthly forum questions which quickly turned into weekly Forum Q&A’s. The screenshot at right shows what we look like today.
  • As of February 28, 2011 (the 2 year anniversary), Color In My Piano has had 169,274 visitors, 177 email subscribers, and 172 readers who “like” us on Facebook.  The record number of page views in one day is 1,192 on January 11, 2011!  THANK YOU!

In honor of this celebration, I’d like to open up the floor and allow you to ask me questions about myself.  What do you want to know about me?  Leave a comment or send me an email (admin[at]!  I’d love to share — if I get enough questions, I’ll answer them all in a post later this week.

Also – a brand new printable is also being posted today: Rhythm Values Posters.  Just because it’s our 2 year anniversary doesn’t mean you won’t get a new printable this week!  =)  The post describes a fun game you can play with your students using the new printable.

Can you believe it — two years already?!  All I can say is, once again, THANK YOU!  =D

Photo Credit: D Sharon Pruitt | CC 2.0

Announcements, Group Classes

The Melodica: Piano + Recorder?

Check out the new instrument we have at my home!

I ordered this melodica on Amazon as a surprise for my husband for Valentine’s day, although I plan to make use of it too in the future. =)

To play the melodica, you must blow very gently into the mouthpiece and starting pressing the keys.  The sound very much resembles the sound of an accordion.  Be careful – don’t blow too hard else you may blow the reeds out of place.

It can be played two ways: with the short mouthpiece held in your hands… Continue reading “The Melodica: Piano + Recorder?”

Announcements, Performances

Master’s Recital Program Notes

Well, my master’s recital has come and gone, and IT FEELS GREAT!  Compared to my undergraduate recitals, this recital was a much greater success.  I felt much more prepared and didn’t experience as much performance anxiety as I had expected to either.  I was actually able to enjoy myself throughout the process!  My family came up to see the recital, which meant a lot to me.  It was great to see them and spend some time with them after the recital.

Eventually, I will be getting a recording of the recital.  The school records it, and my dad also videotaped it.  When I get my hands on something, I will be sure to share it here if you’re interested. =)

Meanwhile, I have a photo (right) and some savory program notes (written by yours truly) for you to enjoy: Continue reading “Master’s Recital Program Notes”


Best of 2010 @

Here’s to looking backwards and looking forward!  Here are some highlights from 2010:

  1. 30 Theme Ideas for Music Studio Events | a list of theme ideas teachers can use for studio events or incentive programs.
  2. Practicing Efficiently | A discussion about how to make practice time more efficient.
  3. Free Board Game for Music Students |
  4. Early Childhood Music Online Resources | a compilation of resources online about early childhood music.
  5. Preparing for Student Recitals: Recording! | Discusses reasons for and ways to record your students as a teaching tool to prepare for upcoming performances.
  6. 12 Tips for Memorizing Music | some ideas for effective ways to memorize your music.
  7. So You Want to Start a Blog? | I share my experiences about blogging so far in this post.
  8. Dealing with Performance Anxiety | a list of ideas for ways to cope with performance anxiety.
  9. Teaching Music Theory: Our Responsibility | discusses why music theory is our responsibility as piano teachers and ways to incorporate theory into piano lessons.
  10. Tutorial: Using Audacity Software in the Piano Studio | tips for touching up your studio recordings using the free software Audacity.
  11. Dealing With Frustration | A discussion why mistakes are okay and about the importance of keeping lessons fun.
  12. Developing a Good Sense of Rhythm | A post about the components to developing a good sense of rhythm in students.
  13. 9 Ideas for Motivating Piano Students | a list of ideas for getting students excited about piano again!
  14. Introducing Students to New Pieces | some ideas for setting up the student for success when you introduce a new piece.
  15. Rallentando & Ritardando: What’s the Difference? | an attempt to make a distinction between two Italian terms for “slowing down.”
  16. Go For the Sound | With music, listening is crucial!
  17. Teaching Phrase: Pretend It’s Easy | Sometimes, the brain or the fingers get in the way.
  18. Teaching Tip: Engaging the Emotions | a discussion about how engaging the emotions can enhance your teaching.
  19. Musical Spins on Favorite Games | a list of links to other blogs where you can find musical versions of favorite board/card games.
  20. Best of 2009 @ | check out some posts back from 2009.

End-Of-The-Year Update

Hello Readers,

I hope this post finds you all well and enjoying this blessed season with your family and friends.  I’ve been enjoying some time off from both school and blogging in order to visit and spend time with my family.  I hope you’ve missed me while I was away.  =)  Although the blogger inside me has been taking a break, I can assure you that the piano teacher inside me has not taken a break!  I have several projects underway that I can’t wait to share in the coming weeks/months.

Next month brings the beginning of my final semester of my master’s degree, which is certainly bittersweet for me.  My husband and I do not yet know what the post-graduation months will bring, but I’m sure posts about our adventures will be forthcoming eventually.

Next month also brings my master’s solo piano recital, which will likely occupy much of my time and attention.  My postings might again become sparse for a few weeks during January, so I hope you’ll forgive me!

As I contemplate the last year and look forward to the next, I can’t help but think of all of you, readers and supporters of Color In My Piano.  The past year has seen a huge increase of visiters, followers, and commenters.  This month even brought a few generous donations via paypal.  Your support keeps me inspired and motivated to continue creating and posting!  So thank you!  I truly believe that through collaborations such as this, we not only help and encourage one another as piano teachers, but we also help bring integrity to our profession and calling.

I look forward to another wonderful year with all my internet friends.

Happy New Year!

– Joy

Photo Credit: BigKidsLoveToys | CC 2.0


Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Hello readers,

I apologize for the lack of posts this week – it is a busy and stressful time of the semester because there are just a couple of weeks left!  Thankfully (pun intended), I have the next two days off from classes/practicing/teaching, and I fully intend to take it easy!

So here’s wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with time with family & friends, good food, and music.

– Joy

Photo Credit: aussiegall | CC 2.0

Announcements, Studio Business, Teaching Piano

A Peek into My Lesson Binder

Today, I thought I’d share some pictures of my “lesson binder” that I use for keeping my teaching records/materials organized.  My current system is designed to be uber portable because I currently teach all my lessons on campus in a practice room.  When it’s time to teach, I grab my lesson binder from my office before greeting my student!

(click each picture to enlarge) Continue reading “A Peek into My Lesson Binder”

Announcements, improving as a teacher, Resources

Michigan Teachers: 2010 State Conference October 17-19

For any fellow teachers in Michigan:

The Michigan Music Teachers Association (MMTA) State Conference is to take place Sunday, October 17 – Tuesday, October 19 at the Detroit Novi Sheraton (21111 Haggerty Rd., Novi).  Click here to for more information (including a link to the conference schedule), and click here to register.

Martha Hilley is this year’s Conference Clinician and Leon Bates is the Conference Artist.  There are many other sessions that look like very promising as well!  I am so excited for the conference to get here!

Not a member of MTNA (Music Teachers National Association) or your state association?

Just a few quick reasons to consider joining a professional organization such as MTNA:

  • Continue your professional development as a teacher by attending national and/or state conferences and local chapter meetings.
  • Network and share ideas with other teachers at conferences and local chapter meetings.
  • Become a certified music teacher (read more here).
  • Enter your students in competitions, SAT testing, and other events.
  • and more!  (Share your reasons in the comments!)

Read more about joining MTNA and your state association here.

Announcements, Music Theory

Rallentando & Ritardando: What’s the Difference?

Ever wonder about the difference between rallentando and ritardando?  Well, I did….so I decided to look into it and add my two cents to the debate.  =)

According to the Music Dictionaries…

Many musical dictionaries simply state, “slowing down” as the definition for both rallentando and ritardando.  Some state that the two words are synonyms.  However, I would still like to think there is some slight difference in meaning or emphasis between the two words.  After all, they are two different words in the Italian language.   And composers have been making use of both words in their compositions for centuries.  So I decided to do a little more digging. Continue reading “Rallentando & Ritardando: What’s the Difference?”