Early Childhood Music, Games, Group Classes, Music Camps, Music Theory, Printables, Teaching Piano

Just Added: Musical Alphabet Cards

There are others who have shared alphabet card printables similar to what I’m posting today, but I’m adding mine to the mix anyway.  🙂  I wanted some that would work well to print onto colored cardstock paper.  Since I don’t have a color printer, this is an easy way I can still get colorful things to use with my students!

I used these cards with my new weekly Homeschool Music Class (just started last week, thanks to Sheryl’s recent post at her Notable Music Studio blog) and with my Piano Readiness Class.  My students LOVED making “musical alphabet snakes” in order to learn how the musical alphabet is different from the regular alphabet.  Included in the pdf is a card which outlines some other possible activities to do using the cards.  These activities work great in both group settings and private lessons.

Do you have some other activities to share that involve alphabet cards?  Share them in the comments!

To Download: visit the Printables > Other Resources page and scroll down to the M’s for Musical Alphabet Cards.

  Musical Alphabet Cards (275.9 KiB, 17,582 hits)

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5 thoughts on “Just Added: Musical Alphabet Cards”

  1. We play scrabble with all of the sets. I think I have 5. Draw a card and place it where it could go laterally or vertically.

    Sometimes we just spell skips.

    Draw a card and play a 5-finger scale and broken chord in that key.

    Draw a card and write the chord on a dry-erase board. First time on either clef. Then alternate between treble and bass.

    Piano Races when learning the keyboard geography. Start at the low end of the piano. Place your marker on the wood block below the first white note. Draw a letter and move to that key. Take turns with the teacher. First one to get to the high end wins. Sometimes I use erasers – hearts for Valentines, skeletons for Halloween, etc. Then I call it Piano Erasers instead of Piano Races.

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