I’ve been doing a bit of cleaning and reorganizing in my studio, like putting all those music books that always seem to migrate to the piano top back in their proper place on their shelves. 🙂
I also visited the music store today to pick up new books for some of my students. I’m so happy to have a music store in my area again. In the town where we were living back in Michigan, there was no music store within an hour’s drive. I won’t take it for granted again, and will do my best to purchase music books from them instead of ordering online! Maybe I can help keep them in business. 😉
With the arrival of the new year, it’s also time to plan ahead for the student events that springtime inevitably brings! I’ve been using my Studio Planning Calendar (pdf is available for download on the Printables > Studio Business page) to plan for upcoming festival and event dates held by the music associations in my area. I’m excited about all the different opportunities there are for my students to participate in, and I’d like to send at least a couple of students to each event. I also have a few students that I might enter in The Achievement Program for assessment in May, provided they are interested.
How is the New Year going for you? 🙂