I recently decided that I wanted to own a set of silent keyboards for doing introductory piano activities with young children, and for using during group theory activities. Unfortunately, buying a set of silent plastic keyboards (view them at musicinmotion.com) can be a rather large studio expense. Of course, a cheap alternative would be to simply print a picture of a keyboard on paper. But there is something nice about the 3D features of a silent keyboard…so I decided to make my own. I got the idea from Anne Cosby Gaudet’s Piano Discoveries website, where she made similar keyboards with wood and foam.
My DIY (Do It Yourself) mini keyboards do not have true-to-life sized keys as the store-bought plastic silent keyboards have. However, I spent less on the supplies for making a set of six keyboards than it would have cost me to buy just one plastic silent keyboard! Here’s how I made my set of six keyboards: