
A Bit of News to Share…

Aria’s shirt bears the latest news around here: we are expecting baby #2! It’s another girl, and the due date is early September. <3

We’re thankful for this gift! And I’m feeling happy to move beyond the first trimester symptoms (for me, fatigue and nausea)! 🙂

I had originally been planning to offer a session of my online course for piano teachers, Excellence in Piano Teaching, this summer (see, but I’ve decided to put this on hold for now until after baby. Sorry to anyone who was hoping to take it this year! If you’re on my email list, you’ll be sure to receive any updates about when the next offering will be.

Despite dealing with first trimester symptoms, I’ve tried to prioritize keeping up work on a particularly exciting project which I hope to be able to share more about in the upcoming months. I won’t say more at this point, but I hope your curiosity is piqued and you’ll stay tuned! 😉

In the meantime, I’ll still be blogging here-and-there. I also invite you to follow along with my occasional personal updates and everyday photos HERE on Instagram!

Thanks for reading!

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35 thoughts on “A Bit of News to Share…”

    1. Ha! Yes. Fortunately for us, Aria is mostly potty trained. We did something called “Elimination Training” since birth with her, and she really caught on to it! She does great around home, but we still need to work on being potty trained when at Grandma’s house or out-and-about. 🙂

  1. I am thrilled for your family! Congratulations! And oh, so wise, to delay some of your plans. Enjoy these months, the process, the miracle. Praying for health and happiness for all of you.

  2. Congratulations to you all, Joy!! Girls are great, as I grew up the oldest of five. Praying that all will go well during the months ahead. Also, Sept. is my birthday month. 🙂 Aria is a doll!!

    1. September is my mom’s birthday month, too — it will be interesting to see if they end up with birthdays very close together!

      Thanks so much for the well wishes, Jane!

  3. September 3rd would have been my husband’s 68th birthday. He was a wonderful support in the piano students loved him as well during recitals. Deepest congratulations to you and your family. Dare we hope for another wolfgang?

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