Music Learning Theory, Professional Development

Joy and Amy Talk About Music Learning Theory

Greetings! Back from our Boston trip for GIML training, Amy and I thought it would be fun and constructive to have a conversation to debrief, and at the same time create a video to share, about Music Learning Theory (MLT). Here’s what is covered in our video:
  • 3:00 Who was Edwin Gordon.
  • 9:45 Who is Marilyn Lowe.
  • 13:25 What is audiation and how is it developed.
  • 22:00 How we each plan to start incorporating elements of MLT into our lessons.
  • 25:45 What resources are available for teachers who want to learn more about MLT.
Books mentioned in the video: Just for kicks, here’s one more video. Amy and I had a bit of fun in the car on the drive back home from Boston playing the alphabet car game using MLT terms that we learned during the course. 🙂 Related:

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6 thoughts on “Joy and Amy Talk About Music Learning Theory”

  1. Thanks for the video explanation! I’m starting to read a lot more into MLT, honestly just discovered it recently. Audiation is really interesting to me. I love the correlation to how language is learned.

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