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Just Added! Lesson Plans: Analyzing & Composing Music in the Romantic Style

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Lesson Plans & Worksheets: Analyzing & Composing Music in the Romantic Style 

A few months ago, I used these lesson plans during a piano camp where I taught Theory & Composition classes.  This camp is unusual in that it gives the students a chance to work on ensemble music with their fellow campers.  In addition, all the ensemble music are original compositions — composed just for our campers.

In the lesson plans I made, I tried to incorporate both the emphasis on composition and the topic of the Music History classes (taught by another instructor; this year, focusing on the Romantic Period).  So, this year’s lesson plans are all about learning how to compose music in the Romantic style.  By the end of the week, the class had created a Class Composition for piano which was performed for all to hear at the camp recital!  The pieces were humorous, yet surprisingly sophisticated.  Perhaps later on, I’ll post an example of a composition they created, if that would be helpful to anyone.

The lesson plans are designed for classes of 4 – 6 students ranging in ages about 9 to 15, but I’m sure they could be adapted to suit other ages and groups of students.  Enjoy!  Let me know how they work for you.

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3 thoughts on “Just Added! Lesson Plans: Analyzing & Composing Music in the Romantic Style”

  1. This lesson plan looks great and I look forward to getting the opportunity to try it out. I would love to see an example of one of the compositions.

    If you have any similar lesson plans and worksheets for other eras (baroque and classica), I would be very interested in seeing them. Thanks.

    1. Thanks, Natashia! When you get the chance to try out the lesson plan, please comment again to share with us how it went for you and your student – we’d love to hear about it.

      I will look through my files and see if I can dig up a sample composition that my students created, and post it soon.

      Although I do not have similar lesson plans for the Baroque and Classical eras yet, it is something I will definitely consider doing in the future!

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