Music Theory, Printables, Resources, Worksheets

New Worksheet: Intervals (unison-3rd)

Do you find yourself telling students how much easier it would be if they learned to recognize intervals on sight when they are sight-reading?  Here are two new free, printable worksheets, designed to help students who have difficulty distinguishing between different intervals on the staff.  The first one is for younger students who have just begun reading staff notation.  It teaches and quizzes the difference between unisons, 2nds, and 3rds.  The second worksheet is a little bit harder, adding 4ths and 5ths into the mix.  Enjoy!

  • Worksheet: Intervals Unison through 3rd

This worksheet is designed to teach/quiz the student in identifying the intervals unison through 3rd, in both treble and bass clefs.  The top line gives an example of each type of interval, and the rest of the page is dedicated to quizzing the student on identifying the interval.

 To download, visit the Printables > Worksheets page and scroll down to the I’s for “Intervals Unison-5th.”

  Intervals Unison-3rd Worksheet (39.0 KiB, 22,065 hits)

See also: New Worksheet: Intervals unison-5th

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2 thoughts on “New Worksheet: Intervals (unison-3rd)”

  1. Hi, I teach chorus and general music. I have been using the SMART Board in my classroom and was browsing to find other sites and activities for my rather large classes. This site is very well done and easy to navigate through. Thank you for taking the time to do this. Good luck with all your future endeavors!

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