Motivation, Practicing, Teaching Piano

Forum Q&A | Keeping Teenagers Engaged

Our last Q&A Forum topic was about organization.  I loved reading your ideas — thank you all for your responses!

I had a great topic idea from a reader (thanks, Amy!) who asked:

How do you keep teenagers engaged?  As we know, sometimes they are taking lessons only because their parents want them to.  Or, sometimes they are over-scheduled.

Please take a moment to share your thoughts in the comments below — we would love to hear your ideas!

Photo Credit: easylocum


Game Materials Organization

Yesterday, I posted a new Forum Q&A post about organization.  If you are the kind of teacher who enjoys using games and props during lessons, it’s not easy to find a system for storing and organizing everything!  I’m always on the look-out for better ways to stay organized.

Here’s a picture of my current system:

Continue reading “Game Materials Organization”


Forum Q&A | Organization for Games/Props

Our last Forum Q&A topic was about end-of-the-year tasks for piano teachers.  I enjoyed reading your comments, as always!

Today, our new topic is all about organization.  I wanna know:

How do you keep your game materials and props organized?  Do you have a shelf, drawer, basket, folders, etc.?  Are you able to find what you need when you need it?  🙂

Leave a comment below describing your system.  Maybe we can get a turn-out as good as the giveaway last week…100+ replies would be awesome!  🙂  If you have your own blog, feel free to post a photo of your organizational system there and then leave a comment here with a link.

I’ll post my picture tomorrow.  Here’s my photo!  🙂


July 2012 Giveaway Winners

I am completely blown away by (1) the number of entries in last week’s giveaway (over 100!), and (2) all of the wonderfully ideas you shared for motivating to students to practice!  (Check out all the responses here!)  It’s so great to be a part of this teaching community online.  We benefit SO much from sharing with each other!

And now, to announce the two randomly-chosen winners of Andrea & Trevor Dow’s wonderful piano practice book:

Congrats!  Winners: expect an email from Andrea soon!


July 2012 Giveaway Reminder

Just a little reminder…the giveaway of Andrea & Trevor’s pdf book “Shhh…Your Piano Teacher Thinks This Is Practice” ends tonight at midnight EST!  If you haven’t entered yet, you’d better do so soon.  The winner will be announced tomorrow.

I know my summer posts have been a little far and few between, and mostly about camp stuff…it has been a very busy and unpredictable summer so far.   🙂   I will probably be back to my usual kinds of posts come September – so bear with me in the meantime!

I hope you are enjoying your summer!

Composition, Music Camps, Music History

“So, You Want To Be A Composer?” Camp – Now Available!

Hooray, the “So, You Want To Be A Composer?” camp has just been added to the Color In My Piano Shop!

Now, it’s time for me to focus on my next camp: “Music History Blast From The Past.”  Want a sneak peak?  Okay, if you insist:  🙂