Group Classes, Music Camps, Music History, Printables

Freebie: Music History Periods Lapbook Study

Last week, I blogged all about my recent Music History camp and I also promised a free download of the lapbook of the music history periods.  The pdf is ready for download!  Read on for the details.

For camp, I had my students put each time period in a file folder (and we didn’t use the optional cover page).  In the my example pictured above, however, I put each period on a loose piece of cardstock paper which can then be stapled into a booklet.  Either way works just as well!

For each time period, students cut out and glued the pictures as I taught them about each time period.  Fitting all the pieces on the page is a bit like a puzzle!  I allowed them to arrange the pieces in any order or copy my example if they desired.

We discussed famous composers, compositional trends, and the evolution of the piano, as well as a little about the fashion, architecture, and art of the period.  I also played excerpts of pieces from each period so they could hear the music for themselves too.

I was impressed with how the students were able to relate what we discussed to things they have studied in school.  For example, one of my students brought up the Industrial Revolution in connection to the developments made in the fortepiano as it evolved into the modern piano!

I hope you can make good use of this pdf with your own students, to help them gain a better picture of the times in which the famous classical composers lived!  You can download the free pdf on the Printables > Lesson Plans page by scrolling down to the M’s for “Music History Periods Lapbook.”

  Music History Periods Lapbook Study (4.2 MiB, 19,513 hits)

Stay tuned — I am diligently working on individual composer lapbooks (Bach and Mozart are nearly finished) in order to add them to the Color In My Piano shop!  If you are planning your monthly group lessons in your studio for the year, you might consider choosing a composer-of-the-month/year as a fun way to incorporate music history!  🙂

Note: The fashion illustrations in this pdf are used legally per the copyright guidelines from Dover Publication’s “Historic Costume CD-ROM and Book: From the Renaissance through the Nineteenth Century” clip art book/CD.  The rest of the images are in the public domain and were obtained through

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12 thoughts on “Freebie: Music History Periods Lapbook Study”

  1. Your enthusiasm, love for teaching, and wonderful teacher helps are such a blessing as I start to organize and develop a teaching studio. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Love the music history periods lapbook. Thanks much for making them free!

    You misspelled the US Capitol building. You might want to correct it.

    Thanks again!

  3. I would like to thank you for this idea! It will work great with my classes. Once again, thank you.

  4. Hi Joy,
    I am interested in using your material for the Music History Camp this summer. Question, when you are telling them about the facts and different things associated with the composer of the day, do you included that information in your kit or do I need to gather the information myself?
    THank you.

    1. Hi Martha, I’m not sure if you are talking about the lapbook curriculum or the “Eras of Music History” kit in my shop? But both of those items include plenty of historical information for the teacher to use. I read from the included booklet and stop occasionally to elaborate or ask students questions. There is no need to research further, but a teacher certainly can if desired!

  5. Hi Joy
    I find your website extremely helpful in my piano teaching. Thank you for sharing all of your unique ideas. I have been teaching for 31 years and I’m always grateful to learn new and creative ways to help the children learn to love music.
    May I ask, what is the fee per child for one week of piano camp?
    Carol In Burnt Hills, NY

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