
…it's been a while.

Hello, again!  It’s been a while.  I took a longer-than-intended break from blogging, unfortunately, because I was dealing with graduation (yes! my hubby and I both graduated with Bachelor’s Degrees) and moving (we moved 2 hours away, where we will be attending grad school in the fall).  We have settled into a little apartment, and things have calmed down a little, I’m happy to say! 

The move, unfortunately, meant that I had to give up all my wonderful students to other teachers.  🙁  How sad is that!  I miss teaching something awful.  I won’t be back to teaching piano until the fall, when I’ll begin teaching through the Community Music School at my new college.  Meanwhile, I’ve been reading up on pedagogy techniques and various aspects to maintaining a piano studio.   I’m about halfway through: How To Teach Piano Successfully, by James W. Bastien, and have managed to get quite a few good ideas from him.  I hope to blog about some of my discoveries soon.  🙂