There are quite a few places you can download and print free music note-naming flashcards. Anne Crosby’s website and Susan Paradis’ website come to mind, for example. However, I recently realized that I wanted a set of jumbo-sized cards, to use with my Piano Readiness classes.
I can hold up these jumbo-sized cards during class and my young students can still see the note on the staff. Young beginners or students with disabilities may also benefit from having jumbo-sized flashcards.
I color-coded my flashcards according to the range of notes. I printed the Middle C position notes on green paper, the next few notes up to Treble C and down to Bass C on yellow paper, and the next notes up to High C and Low C (ledger lines) on blue paper.
You can download this FREE pdf on the Printables > Other Resources page, under “Jumbo Note-Naming Flashcards.”
Jumbo Note-Naming Flashcards (459.7 KiB, 49,264 hits)
Yesterday, I asked for your favorite game ideas involving note-naming flashcards. I can’t wait to try out some of your ideas — keep ’em coming!
Thank you for posting this and your forum question yesterday. This weekend I was unsuccessfully searching around for larger flashcards to update my old Alfred set that were getting worn and couldn’t find any. Imagine my surprise when I read your post today! Thanks again.
Wow, what a great coincidence! I’m glad we have such good timing! 😉
Thanks again Joy 🙂
Great work !! I know my students would appreciate it….
Thanks! I’m going to use these!
I have been looking for something to help my little girl with her piano and this is the best website I have found. Thank you so much.
You’re welcome. Glad to hear it!
Thank you for all the wonderful resources. I’m a Great grandmother teaching my great granddaughter piano. Need a print out for the treble and bass clef notes.
This is a great website
thank you! just printed these to use with my classical conversations class!
Thanks so much mam.You’re the best!:) This material would really help my younger students read music easier.:)
Thank you! I’m sitting at school, planning a 2nd grade music class and searched for large note flashcards and found yours. PERFECT! Thank you so much!