For Christmas, my husband gave me this handy little speaker: the Oontz Angle Wireless Bluetooth Speaker.
In the past, I always plugged a pair of old computer speakers into my iPhone, iPad Mini, or computer when I wanted to play music during lessons, group classes, or while cleaning the house. They worked okay, but I found that if I turned the sound up too loud, the sound became distorted.
I am so pleased with this handy little speaker because I can turn the sound as loud as I need too without hearing distortion. I’m very pleased with the quality of the speaker!
And, of course, it is handy that it is wireless. It connects via a bluetooth connection. Pairing the speakers to a device only takes a minute. Plus, it remembers what device you paired it with last and will automatically connect to that same device if both are turned on. I’ve owned bluetooth devices in the past and they did not connect this easily. Technology has certainly improved.
It comes with a USB cable so that you can recharge the battery by plugging it into your computer. The battery can last for up to 10 hours of playing time.
Just thought I’d share about this fun little gadget! Did you receive any Christmas gifts that have been useful for piano teaching? If so, please share about it in the comments!