Have you heard of KickStarter.com? It’s a cool site where people can raise money for creative project of all kinds. Ordinary people like you and me can support these projects. Here’s the kicker: the team must reach the monetary goal by 3-month deadline or else they don’t get any of the money that was pledged.
Well, a colleague of mine has started a kickstarter project with her sister to create CDs of classical music with narration for children. They plan to distribute the CD to schools where art programs are being cut. Read all about their project below, or click here to visit their official KickStarter page. There you will find a video with more info and you can make your pledge. With your support, they can go ahead with the CD project and you can receive a copy too! The CD looks like it could be a great resource to use during group lessons with piano students or young children — I’m excited to receive mine. Please read more about their project and consider supporting Sonya and Elizabeth.
Sonya & Elizabeth Schumann’s KickStarter Project | Piano Carnaval CD: Classical Music and Stories for Kids
Who are we?
We (Jeanne and Sonya) are classical concert pianists who happen to be sisters. We decided to record a children’s CD which, through narrative storytelling, is an attractive vehicle for classical piano pieces.
Why do we want to record a children’s CD? Continue reading “Consider Supporting this Project for Classical Music CD for Kids!”