Hard to believe, but ColorInMyPiano.com just turned 15 years old! Hooray! Let’s celebrate with our annual 20% off sale — details below.
I started this blog back when I was a graduate student anticipating my upcoming graduation. My goals were to give back to the piano teacher blog community I benefitted so much from and to become a better teacher, writer, and thinker through blogging.
Here we are, 15 years later, and I find myself staying true to those same goals. I love being part of the piano teaching community online, and I find writing and sharing to be a worthwhile pursuit — even when the demands of life make it hard to find the time. 🙂 I appreciate you, dear readers, for sticking with me. Thank you for being part of this journey with me.

As part of celebrating 15 years, I’m holding my annual 20% off storewide sale all month long on all teaching resources in my shop. Just use the promo code 15YEARS during checkout (good through March 31, 2024). Check out the variety of games, sheet music, camp curriculums, and more available in my digital shop here.
NEW THIS YEAR: I’m also pleased to offer 20% off all orders made at keysatplay.com for my hardcopy sheet music books. Again, just remember to use the promo code 15YEARS during checkout (good through March 31, 2024). If you were thinking about trying out one of my NEW books, now is a great time! Check out Keys at Play: 88 Progressive Pieces for Students of All Ages and Incidental Music for Piano: 12 Extendable Pieces for the Young Silent-Film Pianist.

Recent feedback I received:
“After watching the replay video of Keys at Play walkthrough, I ordered a copy and I’ve been using it in my lessons, specifically with those students who are rhythmically very challenged. After using it consistently for a few sessions, I started seeing real changes, how things are starting to really stick for them. I find that just using “ba” as the only syllable for rhythm (and don’t worry about counting or using kodaly syllables) have been really helpful because they can focus on the FEEL of the rhythmic phrases. And what a great idea to get rid of time signature all together at this level of music learning — because it often confuses students more than clarify things for them. I plan to use this more broadly going forward. Thank you, Joy Morin, for creating this wonderful resource.”
–Kristina L.
One final note: Registration for my online workshop with Amy Chaplin this Friday + Saturday is available now! We will teach you how to use a platform called Notion to get organized and keep track of the information in your life, both personal and professional.
My whole life is in Notion, and I love it. You won’t regret integrating this tool into your life. Learn more here and take advantage of the last-chance discount going on now! Hope to see you Friday on Zoom!

Happy Anniversary! I started following you during year one when I was a stay-at-home mom with an out-of-work husband and needed to find a way to make some income. I majored in music in college and a friend talked me into taking some of her over-flow piano students. I found you while researching methodologies and repertoire recommendations. Many years later I am still teaching, although Covid and my husband’s death kind of helped wiped out my studio, down to 6 students from a high of 24. I have enjoyed following along on your piano teaching journey and wanted to say “Thank you” ! Enjoy your beautiful children and cheers to another 15!
Thank you SO much for the well wishes, Constance. It’s wonderful to hear from such a longtime reader! Thank you for that!
My students and I thank you for all the helpful materials you provide!!