Teaching Piano

Just Added: BINGO Sheet for Piano Students

As I was perusing Instagram recently, I saw a BINGO sheet a piano teacher had created for her students. I thought it was particularly well done; the activities she came up with were so great! I was inspired to create my own version for my students, so I reached out to her to ask if she minded if I used many of the same activities. She generously responded “yes”! (Thank you, Lynnette!)

So, today I’m sharing with you my own take on a BINGO sheet for piano students. I think this printable is perfect for use with piano students anytime, but especially during the current Covid-19 pandemic.

The activities on the sheet encourage students to complete activities on their own that are creative, fun, and often involve a family member/friend. Here are a few examples:

  • Surprise your teacher with a new piece you learned all by yourself
  • Learn a tune by ear
  • Take a picture of you playing the piano and send it to your teacher
  • Draw an illustration for one of your piano pieces
  • Learn and memorize the Happy Birthday song
  • Try changing the style of one of your pieces. Ask your teacher for ideas/help

The idea is for students to try to get a BINGO — five in a line. The extra challenge is to try to complete the entire sheet!

This BINGO sheet can be sent to your students as an optional activity, or as a studio-wide challenge. Here are the instructions I’ve given my students.

  1. Print out the BINGO sheet and write your name at the top.
  2. Complete activities on the sheet to try to get a BINGO – five in a row.
  3. Once you get a BINGO, take a picture of your sheet and send it to your teacher.
  4. EXTRA CHALLENGE: See if you can complete the entire sheet!

It’s up to you if you wish to give out prizes or just allow the fun to serve as its own reward. In this case, I decided to take a middle ground by telling students there will be prizes — but what the prizes are is a surprise. 🙂 I don’t mind telling you all, though: I’m planning to give a Japanese puzzle eraser to every student who completes 5-in-a-row, and a sticker book to every student who completes the entire sheet.

Normally, I allow time to test out my printables with my own students before I share them on my blog. But I was feeling it important to get this printable published quickly, for the sake of my fellow teachers who are, like me, on the lookout for ways to engage our students during these times. I also feel confident about this printable being successful with my students, no matter the extent they choose to engage with it. Later on, I’ll probably blog an update sharing about how the BINGO sheet goes over with my students!

And so, the PDF is available below now, as a free download. Feel free to send it to your students, for them to print at home.

  BINGO Sheet for Piano Students (59.5 KiB, 5,996 hits)

In addition, you might like to download the image below to be able to use it in an email or on your studio’s social media page.

I hope you and your students enjoy this activity sheet!

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