Early Childhood Music, Games

Printable: Black Key Group Sorting Cards

A new free Printable has been added to the Printables page:

These cards are a great manipulative to use with young beginners when you are first introducing them to the keyboard.  Students can use the cards to build a keyboard on the floor, alternating the groups of 2 and 3 black keys.  Or, students can use these at the piano, and lay the cards right on the piano keyboard, matching the groups of black keys appropriately.   I printed a few sets of these cards, laminated them, and put them in zipper bags.  This short activity is great for Piano Readiness Classes.

There are two versions included in the pdf: one with the letter names on the keys, and one without.  To download this free pdf, visit the Printables > Other Resources page and scroll down to the B’s for “Black Key Group Sorting Cards.”  Enjoy!

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7 thoughts on “Printable: Black Key Group Sorting Cards”

    1. Oh yes, I never post anything without testing it out with my students first. 🙂 I used it with a pair of 4-year-old students, and they loved it enough that they wanted to take them home with them! I printed a couple of extra copies for them to take home.

  1. I tried this with one of my 5 year old pupils. I cut one set into individual notes and placed them on the piano keys. We had a guessing game removing one or two notes at a time. She loved it!

  2. My 12 year old son has a piano recital this weekend. He’s number 11 on the program. I asked his teacher what he could do so he can stay warmed up while he’s waiting and one thing she suggested was getting a flat mat with piano keys printed on it to “play” while he’s waiting. I looked all over the internet to find one I could print out but none of them seemed to scale & I didn’t want to have to fiddle with it. This printout with the blank keys is perfect! It’s just slightly smaller than his keyboard but I think we can make it work. I’m going to tape it all together and cover it with clear contact. I also love the DIY silent mini keyboards. I think I’m going to make some to decorate his room and over his piano with. Thanks for sharing these!

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