I’ve added a new free worksheet to the Printables page today!
This Line & Space Notes Worksheet is intended for use with beginner students who are first being introduced to the staff notation. Understanding line and space notes is important not only for understanding how staff notation works in general, but it is also an important pre-cursor for being able to identify intervals accurately by sight.
You can download this free worksheet by visiting the Printables > Worksheets page and scrolling down to the L’s for “Line & Space Notes Worksheet.” Enjoy!
Line & Space Notes Worksheet (75.8 KiB, 38,465 hits)
That is just what I was looking for!! In fact, I thought you already had something like this, and was scouring your web site for it just this past Sunday. Perfect timing–thank you!!
You’re welcome, Nancy! I have another worksheet that is similar, about identifying the space notes using FACE and All Cows Eat Grass (view it here). Maybe that is the one you were thinking of. The worksheet I posted today is a good precursor to that one!
Hi Joy! I just found your website! I am a piano teacher myself with lots of ideas to create worksheets etc. Wondered if you can tell me what program you are using to create yours! They look awesome! I find Word inadequate….unless you know of some additional items to download to create music notation!
Thanks, Kristine
Hi Kristine, This is the post you are looking for. 🙂 https://colorinmypiano.flywheelsites.com/2013/04/16/make-music-worksheets-using-my-free-png-files/