Trick-or-Treat! Rhythm Game

Newly revised! The Trick-or-Treat! rhythm game is FUN way to start out your lessons for 4-6 weeks around Halloween time (although I’ve also had teachers tell me they use at all year round!). It’s easy: just pull out the cards you’ve assembled, and put some candy or treats in a bowl. Your students will be thrilled to see you present this game every year. Your students will have a blast — and you’ll see their rhythm skills improve.

How does the game work?

Inform your student that you have a bowl of treats — but that they must EARN their treat by playing a rhythm game. 🙂 Choose the appropriate deck for your student (Levels 1-5). Explain to your student: There are TRICK cards and there are TREAT cards. When a TREAT card is drawn, the game is over and it’s time to choose a treat. When a TRICK card is drawn, the student performs the rhythm on the card and then draws again.

All five levels of cards contain rhythms that are in duple meter and triple meter. The rhythms get progressively more advanced with each level. The easiest rhythms contain only quarter notes and eighth notes (or, macrobeats and microbeats, to use MLT-based terminology). The more advanced levels contain sixteenth-note combinations, elongations, rests, ties, and upbeats. The leveling information is detailed clearly for the teacher on a cheat sheet (see photo above).

The first week you present the game to your students, I recommend starting with Level 1 (even if they can handle more advanced rhythms). Over following weeks, you can bump up to the next levels or stick with the same level if more practice is needed. This approach really works! You’ll be impressed with how your students do from week to week.

Students will draw an average 4 or 5 rhythm cards before drawing a TREAT card. However, if you decide you’d like the game to last longer, simply remove one of the TREAT cards from the deck.

Here are a couple of game variations I use with my students:

  • YOUNG BEGINNERS: Instead of asking the student to read the rhythms, ask them to echo after you. This is so good for developing their ears and preparing for reading down the road!
  • SMALL GROUPS: Play the game normally, except ask the entire group to help perform the rhythm cards drawn by each individual.

Buy the 44-page Trick-or-Treat! PDF download now, and here’s what you’ll get:

  • Introductory letter to the teacher
  • Leveling cheatsheet and tips for gameplay
  • Instructions for assembly (this is a digital product; meaning, you must print and assemble the game yourself)
  • Card holders for each of the five levels
  • Five levels of rhythm cards (152 cards total)

Price: $9.00

Click here to read the blog post announcement about this resource and learn more about how I used this game with my students.

Playing the Trick-or-Treat game with my 3yo daughter >>>

Read my time-stamped notes about the above video here.

Check out my solo demo of the game >>>

Watch my student, Robbie, play the Trick-or-Treat rhythm game independently >>>

Here’s what you’ll find in the video:

  • 0:12 | What to do if a student happens to draw a TREAT card first thing! (This is a rare occurance.)
  • 0:33 | How to teach a student how to perform the rhythm patterns on the TRICK cards accurately. They need to be able to (1) identify the meter, (2) count in before speaking/counting the rhythm pattern, and (3) maintain the meter as they speak/tap the rhythm pattern. (More tips on this below.)
  • 1:00, 1:20, and 1:42 | Watch Robbie chant more rhythm cards.
  • 2:00 | Robbie draws a TREAT card, ending the game.

Read more about using the game >>>

Level:Beginners through intermediate levels
Pages:45 pages
Format:PDF (email delivery)
Terms of Use:Studio License

Permission is granted for the purchasing teacher to make unlimited printouts and use the digital files for the purpose of teaching their own students. Sharing printouts or the digital files beyond that purpose is not permitted. The purchaser is not permitted to resell the item(s), or alter, modify, or create derivative works.

My Trick-or-Treat rhythm game has been purchased by over 150 teachers. Check out what a few of them have to say about it below:

“My students love the ice cream intervals and rhythm cards, but I think they especially look forward to the Halloween trick or treat game! Thank you!!” –Kaly

“I remember finding your free items in your shop and buying a couple games and music history things back in 2016 when I started teaching. I didn’t get on your email list until last year when I realized you were incorporating MLT in your teaching. I love MLT and would love more games that involve MLT sequenced topics! The Trick or Treat game is perfect. :)” — Alyssa

“I’ve followed your blog for about 1.5 years now and I’m always looking for new ideas and games to use in my studio. My students love the Trick or Treat game —- we actually play it all year long!” –Donna M.

Ice Cream Interval game

Being able to read notes on the staff intervallically is crucial for sight-reading.  I like to tell my students that reading music is at least 80% interval reading, and only 20% note identification.  To help my students learn to identify intervals quickly upon sight, I created the Ice Cream Interval game.

When you purchase the Ice Cream Interval Game pdf from the Shop, you will receive a pdf with 60 different ice cream scoops, the ice cream cones printed “Unison” through “Octave,” and 4 blank ice cream cones.  The pdf also includes instructions for two different games to play.

The first game is simply to identify the interval on each ice cream scoop by placing it on the correct cone.  This game can be played with one player during a private lesson or in the waiting room area, or it can be played non-competitively with a group of students.  The students can either take turns identifying intervals, or they can simultaneously sort the intervals until the cards are gone. Watch a video of this activity during a piano lesson here.

The second game is a competitive game for a group of students.  Each student receives a blank ice cream cone.  On their turn, they must draw a scoop card and identify the interval.  If the student answers correctly (the other students may check his/her answer), they may add the scoop to their cone.  If s/he answer incorrectly, the scoop goes to the bottom of the pile and the student loses their turn.  At the end of the game (after an allotted amount of time or when the scoop pile is gone), the player with the most scoops on their cone is the winner.

If your student has learned only the smaller intervals, you can sort out the appropriate cards in advance.

You can download a freebie sample of the Ice Cream Intervals game on the Printables > Games page, by scrolling down to the I’s for Ice Cream Intervals game.  It’s perfect for preschoolers or other young beginners, because the scoops are limited to 2nds and 3rds on the keyboard.

Ice Cream Intervals sample

  Ice Cream Interval game - SAMPLE (2.9 MiB, 20,611 hits)

You can purchase and download the full edition of Ice Cream Interval game by clicking the Purchase button below.  I recommending printing the PDF onto sturdy cardstock paper (lamination optional).  Cutting out all the ice cream scoops will take some time, so I recommend watching in a good movie while you cut.  🙂  Enjoy!

Price: $8.00

Ice Cream Intervals – Extension Pack

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New!  Introducing the Extension Pack, which nearly doubles the amount of ice cream scoops by providing 48 harmonic (blocked) intervals to add the original melodic (broken) intervals.  The intervals in the Extension Pack range from “2nd” to “octave.”  Please note that no cones are provided in the Extension Pack, so you won’t want to purchase it unless you also have the original Ice Cream Intervals game.

Price: $4.00

Level:Beginner through intermediate (intervals unison through octave)
Pages:10 pages — Ice Cream Interval Game
6 pages — Extension Pack
Format:PDF (email delivery)
Terms of Use:Studio License

Permission is granted for the purchasing teacher to make unlimited printouts and use the digital files for the purpose of teaching their own students. Sharing printouts or the digital files beyond that purpose is not permitted. The purchaser is not permitted to resell the item(s), or alter, modify, or create derivative works.

The Ice Cream Intervals game has been purchased by over 1000 teachers! Check out what a few of them have to say below.

“I have really enjoyed the ice cream intervals game. My students love it, and it’s such a great way to reinforce intervals without it feeling like a chore.” –Lisa B.

“I’ve purchased many of your resources and especially enjoy the Ice Cream Intervals and composer lapbooks!” –Susan

“My very first printable was your Ice Cream Intervals and it’s still a studio favourite! Thank you for all you so generously share with the global “colourful piano” teaching community.” –Rose P.

“I love all tools you created those years especially Ice Cream Interval game …I used at my summer camp and theory classes several times. Please continue to enjoy being mom, teaching and sharing amazing ideas. Wish you all the best!” –Sachiko J.

“I think I’ve been reading your blog from the beginning! I love all the perspectives you offer on the blog and all the resources you’ve created. Some of my favorites are the Ice Cream Intervals game and the music history timelines. I look forward to following you for many years.” –Lynnette B.

“I’ve been following your blog since college and have always enjoyed it. One of my favorite resources of yours that I love using are the ice cream interval cards. Kids love them and we always talk about favorite flavors of ice cream. It’s such a great visual to work on intervals!” –Emily

” I have loved using so many of your ideas and sharing them in my teaching. The ice cream intervals are so colorful and fun.” –Saundra

“One of my favorite resources is the Ice Cream Intervals-I once held a studio wide challenge to sort all the intervals they were familiar with to continue to beat their own time to earn a certificate for ice cream. :)”. –Melinda

Rhythm Cards

Rhythm Cards are great for use in both private lessons or group classes!  The notes on the cards are clear and easy-to-read.  A variety of time signatures are used.  Once you purchase these rhythm cards, you can laminate a set for your studio can use for years to come, and you can even send printed copies home with your students!   


  • Set 1: These 3.75×5 inch cards are great for young beginners.  Each card contains a 1-measure rhythm example in either 3/4 or 4/4 time.  (I recommend color-coding the time signatures for easy sorting.)  The rhythms in Set 1 contain basic rhythm values and rests (no eighth notes).  The PDF contains 49 rhythm cards.
  • Set 2: The rhythms in Set 2 contain rhythm examples in 3/4 or 4/4 time that contain pairs of beamed eighth notes.  Set 2 does not overlap with the rhythms in Set 1, so the sets can easily be combined to create a larger variety of rhythms.  (I recommend color-coding the time signatures for easy sorting.)  The PDF contains 49 rhythm cards.


  • Level 1 contains 12 pages of rhythm cards, for a total of 96 cards.  Each card contains a two- or three-measure rhythm example.  24 of the cards only use basic rhythms (no eighth notes), 24 of the cards add quarter rests, 24 of the cards use half rests, and 24 of the cards use beamed eighth notes.  The time signatures used are 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4 time.  Choose between a PDF version that allows you to print and cut apart the cards, or a collection of JPGs for your iPhone/iPad.
  • Level 2 contains 16 pages of rhythm cards (6 on a page), for a total of 96 cards.  Each card contains a two- or three-measure rhythm example.  The rhythm examples in this level use ties and add a few new rhythm values: the eighth rest, the dotted quarter note, the single eighth note, and the triplet.  The time signatures used are 3/4, 4/4, 3/8, and 6/8 time.
  • Level 3 – contains 22 pages of rhythm cards (5 on a page), for a total of 110 cards.  Each card contains a three- or four-measure rhythm example.  The rhythm examples in this level use ties, sixteenth rests, and various combinations of sixteenth notes with eighth notes.  The time signatures used are 3/4, 4/4, 6/8, 9/8, and 12/8 time.  

Game Ideas for Rhythm Cards:

Rhythm game collage

PDF Assembly Instructions:

  • After purchase, check your email for the receipt containing the download links.  Click the link to download the file to your computer’s “Download” folder.  Be sure to move the file somewhere else on your computer’s hard drive where you will be able to find the file again in the future.
  • Print the Rhythm Cards onto cardstock paper.  You can print the cards double-sided if desired.  Tip: If you buy each level, print the levels on different colors of cardstock paper so they are color-coded.
  • Cut out the cards, and then laminate if desired.

JPG Instructions:

  • After purchase, follow the instructions to download and save the file onto your computer’s hard drive.
  • Unzip the file.  You’ll find a folder containing the 97 jpg files.  Copy and paste the whole folder into a place where it can sync with your iPhone/iPad.
    • How to set up a folder of folders to sync with your iPhone/iPad:
      • On your computer, create a new folder called “Sync to iPhone.”  (I suggest putting creating this new folder within your “Pictures” folder on your computer.)  Next, put the “Rhythm Card jpgs – Level 1” folder inside the new folder you just created.
      • Connect your iPhone/iPad to your computer and open iTunes.  Within iTunes, click on your device listed in the left hand column.  Now select “Photos” from the menu that appears.  Put a check mark in the box where is says, “Sync photos from…”  Then click on the dropdown box, and browse to find the new folder you created earlier.
      • Click the “Sync” button in the lower right hand corner, and the photos will be added to your iPhone/iPad.
  • To pull up the photos to use them on your iPhone/iPad, go to the “Photos” app, then select the “Rhythm Card jpgs – Level 1” folder.  Click on the first photo to enlarge it.  Then, swipe to the right to go to the next card.

Questions?  Read the Terms of Use here.

Level:Beginner through intermediate
Pages:13 pages — Jumbo Rhythm Cards Set 1
14 pages — Jumbo Rhythm Cards Set 2
13 pages — Rhythm Cards Level 1
17 pages — Rhythm Cards Level 2
23 pages — Rhythm Cards Level 3
Format:PDF (email delivery)
Terms of Use:Studio License

Permission is granted for the purchasing teacher to make unlimited printouts and use the digital files for the purpose of teaching their own students. Sharing printouts or the digital files beyond that purpose is not permitted. The purchaser is not permitted to resell the item(s), or alter, modify, or create derivative works.