Just a quick post to announce the randomly selected winner of the giveaway for FREE registration for the 2014 MusicEdConnect.com conference!
The winner is comment #29: Vaida! Please watch your email inbox for an email from Michelle from Keys To Imagination.
The rest of you — please remember that you can still register for the conference. In fact, you may want to take advantage of the early registration discount. The online conference is taking place February 5-8, 2014. Register now through October 31, 2013 for just $79. It will be $99 after October 31, 2013.
Check out all the details at MusicEdConnect.com!
Hello Joy :)Thank you so much for opportunity to take part in this conference. I‘m living in Europe and with big pleasure reading and catching ideas of teaching piano from so far. What a wonderful time is now when we have such technologies. Of course, all technologies without such people as you, who shearing ideas, would be meaningless.So, thank you for your great job. Good luck and see you in conference!!!
Thank you, Vaida!