Ear Training, Early Childhood Music, Performances, Printables

Listening Sheet for Young Students

As I mentioned last week, during my recent Piano Party/recital rehearsal I gave a listening sheet to my young beginners to complete as they listened to their fellow students perform.  Here’s what it looked like:

I put each sheet in a plastic sheet protector and gave them a dry erase marker with a piece of felt so they could re-use the sheet for each piece they heard.  It worked pretty well — my students were very attentive and really liked telling me about what they circled between pieces!

This worksheet would also work well for private lessons or group classes with beginner students to use while listening to recordings — like Carnival of the Animals, or whatever.

I do wish the sheet protector cleaned off a little better.  The ones I used have kind of a matte surface…maybe I need to get some of the thicker, shiny ones?  Or try laminating?

Anyway, my students really enjoyed this listening sheet!  I found the clip art on some various public domain clip art sites.  You could easily design your own the same way.  Or if you’d like to download mine, visit the Printables > Worksheets page and scroll down to the L’s for “Listening Sheet for Young Students.”

P.S.:  As requested, I added a page to the Rhythm Value Cards pdf: three beamed eighth note cards for use in compound time signatures.  (Thanks for catching that, Bee!)

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13 thoughts on “Listening Sheet for Young Students”

  1. Nice idea with the pictures for listening activities! I run a laminating sheet through the laminator. It becomes stiff and see through that way. Then, I have the students place the sheet over the worksheet for ear training activities. I keep it attached to the paper with a paper clip. It erases nicely and the kids enjoy using the laminated sheet. I love reading your blog. Keep up the good work!

  2. What a GREAT idea! I love the listening sheet. I second the vote for laminating… you can find a laminator at Costco for around $20 and they sell the laminating pouches at WalMart. Best thing EVER – you will wonder how you ever lived without it (not just for teaching, but for all kinds of other things, too!). You make terrific worksheets… thanks for everything you post here. What a terrific resource for teachers!

  3. I not only laminate my worksheets, but have started using Crayola’s erasable crayons instead of dry erase markers. They erase more completely. I bought a box of the regular and the “brights” so I have a couple of the erasing mitts, and when the mitts get too dirty I just throw them in the washing machine.

  4. Hi Joy,

    Thanks for sharing. I do find laminated acitivity sheets are more motivating for young students. It is also reusable . I enjoyed reading your postings which gives me affirmations in teaching as well as inspires teaching effectively in various ways.

    All the best to your teaching.


  5. Great idea! I’d love to try this during private lessons. I think it could be tailored for older students as well, especially when introducing them to a new piece. It’s so helpful to be aware of a few things (dynamics, articulation, key, mood, etc.) BEFORE you learn something new.

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