Games, Resources

Over 20 Musical Spins on Favorite Games

Last week as I was browsing through some of my favorite music blogs, it occurred to me that it would be fun to see how many different familiar games music teachers have found ways to alter into music games!  And so I’ve started compiling a list:

If you know of other games to add to the list, please leave a comment or drop me an email.

Photo Credit: Chris Denbow | CC 2.0

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14 thoughts on “Over 20 Musical Spins on Favorite Games”

  1. Joy, what a great list! Thank you for putting this together all in one place! Lots of great games and lots of creativity! Incidently, I have two pieces of wood waiting for my husband to cut them to make the silent keyboards you showed us! Thank you! I’m excited to try them at my next pre-piano camp!

    1. Thanks, Sheryl! I think it’s just fabulous that teachers today can so easily share their ideas and creativity with each other via the internet. It’s a win-win for everyone (including our students)! I mean, just look at this list! It shows the dedication and resourcefulness that so many teachers bring to their calling. It’s wonderful to see.

      I can’t wait to hear how the silent keyboards work for your pre-piano camp! I hope all goes well!

  2. Wow..what a great collection of games/links. I have used several of D’Net’s games in my group piano classes and they are all huge hits with my students. Can’t wait to try the others!

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