The Level 1 Rhythm Cards have a been a popular item in the Color In My Piano shop. I’m excited to announce that Level 2 has been released!

Level 2 features more rhythms with paired eighth notes and rests — but these examples are longer and include ties. 3/8 and 6/8 time is introduced in this level. There are also triplets, dotted-quarter-eighth rhythms, and eighth-quarter-eighth rhythms. The pdf includes a table to show at-a-glance what concepts are included in each level. (Level 3 will be released at a later date.)

View the rhythm cards in the shop here. The pdf download is $6, and the license allows you to print as many copies of the rhythm cards as desired. You can make a nice laminated set for studio use, and also print cards for your students to take home, too.
The Level 2 cards are slightly bigger in size than the Level 1 cards, to accomodate longer rhythm examples. So, I added another size of BANG! cards for the BANG! Rhythm Game printable, in case you still want to be able to use that game with your students. Click here to read more about the BANG! Rhythm Game.
Happy rhythm making!