Music Camps

2013 Music of the World Camp – Sneak Peek

This week, I’ve been running my third and final summer music camp!   Below is a peek at some the activities we did during camp.

You may not be surprised to learn that I chose lapbooking as the method of learning during our world music camp.  Lapbooking works so well for studying composers and it works very well for studying countries, too.  🙂


Each day, we visited a different country.


Each day, we also made an instrument!  The African drums were definitely a hit.


When we visited Australia, we made didgeridoos.


Today, we made Andean panflutes.


I will blog more of the details next week. Stay tuned!

Starting Monday, I have a two-week break from teaching.  During my time off, I am going to plan for the next school year and also hope to make both the “I’ve Got Rhythm” and the “Music of The World” music camp curriculums available in my Shop.  You won’t have to wait too much longer!  🙂  Update: The Music of the World camp curriculum is now available for purchase in the Shop!  View the description page here

A few of you have asked whether I will be updating some of the printables for studio business, such as the sheet for tracking attendance and payments — and the answer is “yes!”  I’ll try to get those up next week as well.

I hope your Fall planning is going well!

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2 thoughts on “2013 Music of the World Camp – Sneak Peek”

    1. Hi Robbin, I ran the camp as a 4-day camp that met for 2 hours each day. The curriculum is certainly flexible, however, if you’d like the use it over a different duration of time. 🙂

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