Resources, Studio Business

Piano as a way to build community

Check out this fascinating news story:


It’s great to see the great potential music (especially the piano) has to connect members of a community in a unique way!  This story really got me thinking: what are some ways we as teachers of music can use our skills to connect and benefit the community?  We tend to set our focus on just our studios, and admittedly we sometimes get overly competitive with other teachers in the area.  Wouldn’t it be great to join forces as teachers/musicians in a particular community and find ways serve the greater community?  (Ideas, anyone?)  =)

For more:

Visit artist Luke Jerram’s “Play Me, I’m Yours” website to view video uploads of various pianists playing on the pianos in cities all over the world.

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2 thoughts on “Piano as a way to build community”

  1. Hi Joy!
    Thanks for sharing this post and story! I think that we as musicians can explore different ways of using music to enrich the lives of other. My university offers a major called Music Therapy that does just that. I am not a Music Therapy major, but I know that in that field, musicians learn about how they can use music to help others in the community with emotional, physical, or mental health. You made a great proposition of expanding our learning community outside of our studios and into the community. With this perspective, we musicians can accept the collective responsibility towards serving our community.

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